Night Parade

of 100 Demons

improvise with yokai

A music game starring the mysterious yokai! Four unique levels, four opportunities for musical improvisation. The Night Parade of 100 Demons is in town!

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about the game

In this research-oriented music game, you control yokai to improvise music. Drum away with tanuki! Swim in a peaceful pond with kappa! Talk to the yamabiko, and it will echo back to you! Swing the tengu's fan, and cause musical landfalls!

  • Tanuki_02


  • Yamabiko_02


  • Kappa_01


  • Tengu_01


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<img alt="" src="/user/pages/01.home/05._research/screenshot.jpg" />

the research

Designed by Dr. Costantino Oliva (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta),“Night Parade of 100 Demons” is a research-oriented mobile game designed to support research on musical improvisation. Starring the popular Japanese yokai creatures, it consists of four minigames, affording different forms of extemporaneous musicality. While improvisation within music-oriented digital games remain underexplored, "Night Parade of 100 Demons" encourages players to experiment with musical possibilities, without being constrained by traditional game-like structures (such as winning or losing conditions). The game intends to deliberately stimulate players’ perspective to an improvisatory musical direction, making evident the extemporaneous musical possibilities connected with general digital game engagement. screenshot